Friday, March 14, 2014

  Teen Pregnacy

By: Kellie Friend


Teen prenacy hurts and they need someone to talk to even friend.
     "When I was your age we took, spelling tests, not pregnancy tests. These very words were spoken from the unknown but this should be known teen pregnancy isn't your shining star or should I say chance to get famous. Teen pregnacy causes most girls to loose their education. Alot of girls actually get scared and try to self-abort themselves. People need to agree with me because many girls are hurting theirselve physically and mentally. If you have a teen daughter that is pregnant would u want them to to hurt or possibly kill themselves.
     If your a mother and you daughter is 16 & pregnant, imagine what the mather has to go through if her daughter hurts or possibly kills herself. How would you fell if that was your daughter? Say your daughter becomes pregnant and is so terrified she drives a steak knife straight into her stomach. Most moms believe that they will always be protect her child, but if her child starts going behind her back and get into trouble how can she stop that. 
     Teen pregnancy hurts society, I say this because they have to pay taxes even if they have a job. That money will be taken from them lowering their salary which lowers their rate of taking care of a child. Teen mother aren't phiscally ready to care for a child due to money issues. Say your making $1,000 a month some of that money you make will be taken away when u have a child due to taxes 
      Most teens should practice abstince, use birth control, or a condom.  If most teens practice abstinence because, then teen wouldnt ruin their teenage years. I believe that if most girls wait till they are married then they will more of a chance to get or acheive their goals in life and prepare a better future for their child to come.
       If you want to save teens from this painthan help this epadimic. Teen girls are either dropping our of school or killing theirselves. Teen need to worry mor about their education and saftey than anything else so please help those who need your help, Listen to those who need to be heard. I garantee that you will helping alot of people.

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